Since founded in 1895, we celebrate our values and purposes that make us unique.

Six Purposes


This is at the foundation of our sisterhood. We are dedicated to genuine, thoughtful, uplifting friendships that make you a better person every day. Friends you can lean on in the harder times, but also make every good time better. Chi Omega provides genuine, consistent friendships without condition.

High Standards of Personnel

We challenge ourselves to be set apart in many ways, one of which is our high standards of personnel. This means that we value the importance of integrity, character, and honesty. Our high standards hold us accountable to not just each other, but Chi Omega as a whole.

Sincere Learning & Credible Scholarship

As our VP of Scholarship describes, we are students first. At Pi Chapter, we pride ourselves on being amongst the top chapters every semester in scholarship. We encourage academic success and help each other achieve it.


Participation in Campus Activities

Our members are involved in a wide array of organizations across campus. Some of our favorites are Best Buddies, UT Ambassadors, SGA, YoungLife, RUF, Haslam Scholars, Chancellor’s Honors College, SAA, Intramurals, and so much more. Chi Omega encourages our members to be involved in our campus community.

Career Development

We strive for excellence by bettering ourselves both personally and professionally. Our Director of Career and Personal Development plans events for our members to discuss their career paths, exchange advice, and provide vital resources for our use.

Community Service

Not only do we have a philanthropy, Dream Connection, that our entire chapter is passionate about, but our members are also involved in many other community service outlets. We serve through Love Kitchen, Thrive, Ladies of Charity, and more. Together, we volunteer hundreds of hours to improve our community.

Symbols & Emblems


Cardinal and Straw


White Carnation


Skull & Crossbones Owl

The Symphony

“To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship above social obligations and character before appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than ‘exclusive’, lovable rather than ‘popular’; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note.”

-Ethel Switzer Howard Xi

To learn more about Chi Omega’s history, click below!

Chi Omega Nationals